Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The first day of school

We all had a great first day of school. Cade went to kindergarten, Cameron went to preschool, and mommy taught third grade.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cameron in high heels

Cameron is a very happy little girl, but she is happiest when wearing high heels, necklaces (as many as she can find), a purse, and a bow or ponytail.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Cookies

I have come to the realization that all of the food pictures you see in the magazines are just like the women you see in magazines....airbrushed! I wish I would have known this sooner. It all started when I saw this picture of these really cute Christmas tree cookies on the cover of a magazine. I thought oh I can make these, they will be easy and so cute...WRONG! They were not easy, not cute, and didn't even taste good! Sometimes at least if the food looks bad it still taste good, not the case here. Cooking or baking anything is very difficut at our house right now...so it going out to eat. Cameron likes to get right in between the cabinets and my legs and push (she wants me to pick her up) so here I am stiring or pouring something while being pushed away and trying to read directions at the same time. Also know that the phone is ringing and Cade needs me for something as well. This may be why the cookies didn't turn out because of all of the craziness going on. So my original thought of going home and baking Christmas cookies and eating them by the fire while my children behave so perfectly went out the window. This story does have a happy ending, yesterday I did find a new picture of a Santa Claus cookie (not from a magazine) and they turned out pretty yummy. It is still crazy trying while trying to bake, but at least with the Santa cookies the kids could help me. We ended up having a great time making the Santa cookies. I will try and post a picture in my next post....I can't do it now because we ate them all. :)Merry Christmas and Happy Baking!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Cade is sooooo ready for Christmas. I am thinking of all of the things I need to get finished and I know it will be here before I know it, but to a four year old it is like FOREVER! He want lots of toys, but the toy I hear about most often is a transformer. I have not found a good one yet... I am on the lookout. Cameron is ready for Christmas too! She takes all of the ornaments off of the tree and brings them to me. It is this little game we like to play. She had started really wanting to smile for the camera lately so I am getting some cute pictures. Hopefully she will keep this up for mommy. The other day I got a cute one of her and Cade both smiling at the same time. That hardly ever happens! Check out the pink boots, an early Christmas present from Nana. I don't know who likes them more...Cameron or mommy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So....I haven't made a post on my family blog since June. This is because I started this blog in the summer and then school started. Now it is Thanksgiving break and I am bloging again. I am so thankful for one week off at Thanksgiving. It is wonderful. I have about half of my Christmas shopping finished and the tree is up. Cade, Cameron, and I are having a good break. Today we are renting Santa Buddies and Cade is really excited. He told me this morning he was thankful for his family, his car, and his toys. He is so sweet!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You would think we never feed them. Cameron just looks innocent. This was all her doing. She is always hungry. She said mama for two days and now all she says is sausage. I don't even think sausage is on a first words list???